“Rally to Save Our Schools” A Huge Success
For the past few weeks, we’ve been telling you about our “Rally to Save Our Schools” in Loudoun County, Virginia. We coordinated the event with Fight for Schools, another organization dedicated to the fight against CRT and other anti-American indoctrination in K-12 schools. We had high hopes for this event, and we are thrilled to report that it was a major success. You can check out the entire livestream here.
From the time our first speaker took the stage, we were amazed at the incredible outpouring of support from the more than 1,000 parents, teachers, and concerned citizens who were on hand to make their voices heard. Larry O’Connor, a local talk radio host here in Northern Virginia, set the tone with an electric opening speech that fired up the crowd. “This is the most essential issue we as citizens should be caring about,” O’Connor said. “If we are going to fight any fight, it’s going to be this one for the future of our children and the future of our country.”
Our President, Adam Waldeck, also gave brief remarks as well, telling those in attendance that “We love this country, and we are tired of people saying we shouldn’t.”
A major highlight of the event was our panel of parents and concerned citizens who are leading the effort to recall nearly every member of the Loudoun County school board. These are the individuals who are in the trenches in the fight against CRT, and in many ways their testimony is the most powerful evidence of the need to continue this fight.
In particular, we think you’ll enjoy hearing from Xi Van Fleet – her remarks start at about the one hour and nine minute mark. Xi was born in China and grew up during the Cultural Revolution. She shares some powerful insight about how CRT is trying to divide American students just as the Chinese Communist Party did to students in China. Patriots like Xi, who have seen the devastating effects of Marxist policies like CRT in other countries, remind us of the critical importance of continuing our fight here.
We also heard from the Republican nominees for Lieutenant Governor and Governor of Virginia, Winsome Sears and Glenn Youngkin. Both have signed our Candidate’s Pledge, and have made clear that they are strongly opposed to CRT and other progressive ideologies in school classrooms. As part of Youngkin’s Day One Game Plan, he has promised to ban CRT from classrooms.
And, of course, our headliner, Dr. Ben Carson, blew the room away. Here’s one particularly powerful quote from his remarks:
“When I look at CRT and things like the 1619 Project, it sickens me quite frankly because they are trying to tell people that the most important factors in your life… are your external physical characteristics that you have no control over, and putting aside the thing you do have control over, which is your character.”
We can’t thank all our speakers and attendees enough for what was an incredibly impactful evening. And of course, as always, we thank you for your support. Our movement is only gaining momentum, and we are excited for what the future has in store. Together, we will restore honest, patriotic education to our classrooms and ensure that every American student learns about the greatness of the country they call home.