1776 Action Announces Rally to Save our Schools in Loudon County Featuring Dr. Ben Carson

All across America, outspoken parents and teachers have been fighting back against radical curriculum (particularly Critical Race Theory) and the school boards who’ve promoted it. Loudoun County, Virginia, where a grassroots effort is underway to recall nearly the entire school board, has become ground zero in that fight.

To keep this issue front and center, 1776 Action and Fight For Schools will jointly host a “Rally to Save Our Schools” on September 8th, 2021, featuring Dr. Ben Carson, a former member of President Trump’s 1776 Commission, along with Glenn Youngkin and Winsome Sears, the Republican nominees for Governor and Lt. Governor of Virginia.

Dr. Ben Carson said the following about the importance of such an event: “A great nation cannot survive if its citizens are taught to hold their own history, heroes and values in contempt. But in K-12 classrooms across America, that’s what’s happening. Fortunately, parents, teachers and other concerned Americans are waking up – nowhere more so than in Loudoun County, Virginia. I look forward to doing what I can to help.”

The event will be open to the public and tickets can be found here.

Fight for Schools is a non-partisan political action committee focused on electing common-sense candidates that commit to policies that support equal opportunity, tolerance, meritocracy and achievement. The group was founded by Loudon County parents and has led the effort to oppose the use of Critical Race Theory and other race-based ideologies. Since its founding earlier this year, Fight for Schools has helped connect concerned parents and raise awareness about how school districts are implementing unwanted curriculum changes and teacher “diversity” trainings.